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Only Klaus Schwab Knows For Sure - OAN News

Only Klaus Schwab Knows For Sure OAN Commentary by: Theodore R. Malloch  Tuesday, January 7, 2025 It's Davos Time. Hell, the Meistersinger, Herr Dr. Klaus Schwab even moved this year's date to accommodate the one person he said he, "would never invite back." So, will the newly minted Leader of the Free World, for his second act, show just a few days after his own U.S. inauguration? Davos is circulating a rumor — that he will. From January 2024, high in the eastern alpine highlands of Graubünden Canton, Switzerland the world's foremost global elitists will convene, yet again, for the 55th time, to take the pulse on the zeitgeist of our times. Every wannabe, has-been, and some notorious (third) world leaders and their money laundering bankers, and a few aspirant CEOs, and ministers of this and that, will fly by private aircraft, to make the world safe for …? For themselves, their plans for a Great Reset, the next pandemic, transhumanism — their in-vogue ideology, an...

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