*Statement of Condemnation and Appeal* -- concerning opening ceremony of Paris Olympics 2024

*Statement of Condemnation and Appeal* 

We, the members of the Divine UK Ministries, express our deepest condemnation of the recent desecration of the sacred portrait of the Last Supper during the Paris Olympics. This image, revered by billions of Christians worldwide, symbolizes the profound moment of Jesus Christ's final meal with His disciples, embodying the essence of sacrifice, love, and the foundation of the Christian faith.

The depiction of the Last Supper holds unparalleled significance in Christian doctrine and artistic heritage. Its desecration is not merely an offense to an image but an affront to the values and beliefs of the largest religious community on earth. Such acts of disrespect undermine the principles of respect, tolerance, and unity that are essential for peaceful coexistence in our diverse global society.

France, known as the Eldest Daughter of the Church, has a rich Christian heritage. It has given birth to many illustrious saints who have significantly contributed to the glory of Christianity. Saints such as Joan of Arc, Thérèse of Lisieux, Vincent de Paul, and Bernard of Clairvaux, among many others, have illuminated the path of faith with their exemplary lives and dedication to God's service. The desecration of a sacred Christian image during the Paris Olympics brings shame not only to the nation but also to the memory of these holy individuals who embodied the virtues of faith, hope, and charity.

This Olympics will unfortunately be remembered in history for its divisive actions and lack of respect for sacred traditions. An event meant to unite people across the globe has instead caused division and hurt. Such actions are an insult to the very essence of the Olympic spirit, as penned by Pierre de Coubertin, which aims to promote unity, respect, and fair play among all nations and peoples.

We call upon the organizers of the Paris Olympics to address this grave incident with the seriousness it deserves. We urge them to take immediate and appropriate actions to rectify this offense and to ensure that such disrespectful acts are not repeated in the future. This is crucial not only for the Christian community but for all who hold their beliefs and sacred traditions dear.

Furthermore, we appeal to all people of goodwill, regardless of their faith or cultural background, to stand in solidarity against such acts of desecration. We must collectively uphold the sanctity of religious symbols and promote mutual respect among all communities.

In these times of increasing division and conflict, it is vital to remember the teachings of compassion and understanding. Let us work together to foster an environment where all faiths and traditions are honored and respected.

May God bless us all with the wisdom and strength to uphold the principles of love, respect, and unity.
May God bless us all.

-Fr Joseph Edattu VC 
Divine Retreat Centre Ramsgate, UK


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