Merry Christmas, happy holiday season, and wishing you all the best in coming new year 2022

Merry Christmas, happy holiday season, and wishing you all the best in coming new year 2022

Quote for the day:


Life is What Happens To You While You’re Busy Making Other Plans"

Some people attributed the above quote to John Lennon, it true?

Actually it appears in Readers Digest earlier before that:

The first known appearance was in an issue of Reader’s Digest magazine dated January 1957. The statement was printed together with nine other unrelated sayings in a section called “Quotable Quotes”: 2

Allen Saunders: Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans.
—Publishers Syndicate

Semantic precursors for this saying appeared in ancient times. Here are two instances from “The Macmillan Book Of Proverbs” that referred to God and Fate: 6

A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps. (Cor hominis disponit viam suam: sed Domini est dirigere gressus eius.)
Old Testament: Proverbs, xvi, 9. (c. 350 B. C.)

Man intends one thing, Fate another. (Homo semper aliud, Fortuna aliud cogitat.) - Publilius Syrus, Sententiae. No.253.(c.43 B.C.) 

Rejoice in the Lord always. May God always be with you and your family.

27th Dec. 2021

