Open Letter to Prof. Juan M. Maldacena (IAS)

Open Letter to Prof. Juan M. Maldacena (IAS)
Dear Esteemed Prof Juan M. Maldacena
(IAS, Princeton).

Greetings Prof. Maldacena,
Hello there how do you do?
I received your email last three weeks regarding invitation to submit nomination for Breakthrough Prize Award, thank you so much for your invitation. So allow me to nominate 2 names for senior scholars (Breakthrough Prize for fundamental physics) and 1 name for junior scientist (New Horizons of Science):
2 proposed names of senior scholars :
(1) Prof. Florentin Smarandache, Dept. Math, Univ. New Mexico, Gallup, NM.,
(2) Robert Neil Boyd, PhD, Princeton Biotechnology Corp, NJ -- both are nominated for Breakthrough new concept of quantum communication based on quantum noise and HNeT (see Neurology J), and also Prof Smarandache for developing Neutrosophic Logic theory in the past 25 yrs or so. See
And 1 name of junior scientist: (New Horizons) Ms. Frances Haugen, formerly at Google and Facebook, who recently speaks up against mal policies of Facebook founder, Mr Zuck. She has given her testimony before US Senate.
Thanks for your kind attention and best wishes
Victor Christianto
Halton Arp Institute - Ekklesia Advanced School of Theology
ps: enclosed are two articles we wrote together with the above two luminaries
--- Dear Esteemed Prof Juan M. Maldacena (IAS, Princeton).

greeting Prof Maldacena, how do you do..allow me to write this short message, my name is Victor from a developing country in the South, i already heard your papers in the past.
Allow me to write 2 short remarks:

(a) regarding your 2013 article at IAS site, where you mentioned EPR paper back then in 1935, yes it is true that Einstein etc tried to prove incompletenes of QM because it violates light speed limit in his relativity theory. The truth is, we can explain nonlocal interaction from the viewpoint of quantum matter inside Newtonian universe, which allows action at a distance. And a candidate particle to enable that is known as spin supercurrent. If you wish i can send you our accepted draft paper to be published in InTech Open, or you can find it at :
(b) on your traversable wormholes.your theoretical paper is not quite realistic.
See my draft:
--- Ref. to Your article:
Link to your article (2013):

Illustration: Physics at Lorentz Medal Ceremony, Prof. Maldacena (IAS)
Letter sent at 14th Feb. 2022
