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No, Washington Post, you can’t memory-hole your support for trans insanity

No, Washington Post, you can't memory-hole your support for trans insanity By Brandon Showalter, Opinion writer and social commentator Christian Post, No scientific evidence exists for an amorphous "gender" inside a person apart from their sex — no brain imaging scan, no blood test, no genetic marker, nothing. It's an entirely fictitious construct, one that psychologically dissociates us. Nor is a "body that doesn't match their gender identity" a thing. There aren't two parts to be matched. Your words here are predicated on the notion of a false, split self, not a whole human person. This is basic reality and basic science. It's not complicated.  While I have a hunch that your editorial board op-ed wouldn't have seen the light of day had Vice President Kamala Harris eked out a win on Nov. 5, since you now appear to be pivoting with all this nuance, let's take a trip down memory lane, shall we? Remember this heavily slanted article from Ja...

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"Kita tahu sekarang, bahwa Allah turut bekerja dalam segala sesuatu.." --- Roma 8:28

Amsal Solaiman 16:3 " Serahkanlah perbuatanmu kepada Tuhan.."