....posting the Ten Commandments in churches?

...posting the Ten Commandments in churches?

By Donald Sweeting
My response is simply, no, I'm not a moralist. The Gospel should always be front and center. And, no, I'm not a legalist either, because the Gospel by which we are saved does not render the law meaningless. Did not Jesus say of that law that he has not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it (Matthew 5:17)? Did not Paul say that the law is holy and good (Romans 7:12) and "I delight in the law of God" (Romans 7.22)? Does not the New Testament echo or repeat each of these commandments, with the exception of the sabbath command which was replaced by the Lord's Day (although the principle of working six days and resting on one still holds)? Have we forgotten what the Ten Commandments are? They are a summary of God's moral law, reflecting His righteousness and the moral grammar of creation. They are a gracious gift from the Almighty to humanity that describes the order that serves to sustain his creation and our social world. 

The Ten Commandments were not only for Israel but for all. Historically they were adopted by the Christian Church. In fact, just about every Christian tradition employs the Ten Commandments in their official teaching tools (catechisms). This is true of Presbyterians, Lutherans, Baptists, Anglicans, Catholics, and Greek Orthodox. That is because the Ten Commandments are considered the foundation of Christian ethics.

