The proof is in the pudding: an outline of "new proof" of existence of God

The proof is in the pudding:
Nature's order, Pascal's void and Arrow of Time as Neutrosophic triadic to prove the existence of God

Victor Christianto & Robert N. Boyd

Starting with a review of few known arguments to prove the existence of God, we discuss our argument i.e. Nature's order, Pascal's void and Arrow of Time as Neutrosophic triadic to prove the existence of God. The most convincing one is what we call : the proof is in the pudding, i.e. how direct experience with God is the only way to fill everyone's inner void (Pascal).
To write shortly, Nature's order, Time and inner void can be filled by direct experience with God. This is what we suggest: the proof is in the pudding.

Introduction: From St. Anselm to Godel and Florensky
Contrary to Orthodox philosophers which were not particularly interested in proving the existence of God, Western philosophers and theologians alike have embraced and invented numerous efforts to prove His existence, notably St. Anselm from Canterbury (1063-1110) and Descartes with their ontological proof of the existence of God. However, Immanuel Kant and Leibniz have shown that such an ontological proof of Descartes inherently believes in God as its premise, therefore it seems to subject to somekind of "circular logic."
Later on in 20th century, Godel - a renown mathematician at his time- secretly wrote down his attempt to refine the ontological proof of St. Anselm using symbolic logic notations. He showed his version of ontological proof to a few younger mathematicians which then put it down in paper and circulate it. That is now known as "Godel's ontological proof of the existence of God."
Nonetheless, the use of advanced symbolic logic in Godel's proof makes is only accessible to logicians. Moreover, recent study shows inconsistency of Godel's proof. (5)
Apart from ontological proofs, another proof has been proposed by Pavel Florensky, a Russian physicist which then turned to Orthodox philosopher. His argument can be called "Iconostatic-beauty argument of existence of God." In essence, his argument goes as follows: an icon in Orthodox tradition was drawn with specific guidelines by Catholic Church. Therefore, the beauty of painting or art works such as in Andrei Rublev's The Holy Trinity can lead us to sense the supernatural, i.e God Himself.
However, there are others who criticizes on Florensky's beauty argument, because it has inherent premise that such an iconic painting, like Rublev's, was really designed o capture the supernatural. (3)(4)
Therefore, again it seems we come to a kind of circular logic here: to arrive at a proof of existence of God, one should assume He is there.
In the next section, we will argue in favor of Neutrosophic triadic's view to prove the existence of God.

Nature's order, Pascal's void and Arrow of Time as Neutrosophic triadic to prove the existence of God
Neutrosophic Logic is a branch of mathematics which studies the dynamics of opposites and neutralities, and it is discovered and developed by one of us (FS). See for instance (1). In contrast to Aristotelian logic, where there is no middle way between A and B entities (The principle of excluded middle), in Neutrosophic Logic there is room for numerous possible middle values (or "neutralities").
In this paper, what we mean with Neutrosophic Triadic is dynamics of opposites and neutralities among three entities, A, B, C. And we apply this Neutrosophic Triadic to refer to 3 possible ways to prove the existence of God: Nature's order, Pascal's void and Arrow of Time.
Now let us discuss one by one these Triadic arguments:

a. Nature's order:
New fincdings in modern astronomy as well as other branches of science like biology, have shown that the Universe has great order. Isn't it directly pointing to the Supreme God? As Bohm called it: the Implicate Order and Wholeness. For instance, biological clock, seasons, structure of DNA, up to hierarchies of Cosmos such as planets, stars, galaxies, cluster and supercluster show great harmony, order and beauty. These orders in Universe baffle even the most atheistic philosophers, and if we can be humble enough, we should admit that all order and harmony prove God, the Supreme Creator.
As a side note, we can mention the late Antony Flew, a former atheist professor who changed his mind after studying how complex and beauty our DNA structure is.(6)
Some physicists have argued in terms of Anthropic Principle and Copernican Principle, but actually, instead of saying that all order our earth were tuned in order to humanity to exist, we should call it : reverse-anthropic principle, i.e. the exact orbit of Earth itself shows great order and precision which points to God Himself.

b. Pascal's void:
Blaise Pascal once wrote something like this: there is deep void inside everyone, which he/she always try to fill with crafted materials to surround him/her. But that void is actually an infinite abyss, which can only be filled by the Infinite, God Himself.
If we accept such Pascal's void, then the deep void itself clearly suggests that everyone of us was created and designed to keep longing to be filled with the Infinite.
That is our second argument.

c. Arrow of Time:
Another fact which is very problematic both from physical and and philosophical views is the arrow of time. What is time made of, and why time flows in one direction only? All phenomena and our experiences are governed by the Time itself, which is beyond human comprehension.
It seems we will not go too far to say that the Time (chronos and kairos, in Greek), points to the Supreme Controller of Time, i.e. God. See also Laura Mersini-Houghton & Rudy Vaas, The arrows of time. (7)
Now, having discusses the Neutrosophic Triadic as proofs of the existence of God, then we will touch a deeper issue, how we can experience God, which most religions call it : mystical experience.

Logic and mystical experience
Logic and mystical experiences are exclusive domains that cross over into one another, on occasion, just as everything else does as participants in Experiences of the Wholeness, Harmony, Balance, Caring, and Oneness of the Alive Aware Intelligent Conscious Universe. All of this partly constitutes the Mind of God, which is vaster and more complex than most human beings are able to even vaguely comprehend. (RNB: "I have been in the Mind of God, so I speak from personal experience.")
The reader may gather, from the basis of Bhutatmas, the tiny Consciousness-experiencing creatures that have vast experiential memories, that Everything, all fields, all forces, all matter, all life, and the entire of the Infinite Cosmos, results from the activities and agglomerations of Bhutatmas, in an Infinite Universe constructed and operated by Intelligent Design.
According to the Vedic literature on this topic, Divinity resides in the Actually Infinitely Small, which is everywhere and nowhere, at the same time. Thus it can and does act on everything that is and everything that happens. But Divinity has set things up so that Everything has Free Will and individual volition. A factor that has been left out of the Vedic literature on the topic of Bhutatmas, is that every Bhutatma is Unique, with a unique set of memories of experiences, regarding multiple Realities (not just this one). So Uniqueness is an absolute in all the realms, and all the Realities.
To write shortly, Nature's order, Time and inner void can be filled by direct experience with God. This is what we suggest: the proof is in the pudding.

Concluding remarks
Neutrosophic Logic is a branch of mathematics which studies the dynamics of opposites and neutralities, and it is discovered and developed by one of us (FS). See for instance (1). In contrast to Aristotelian logic, where there is no middle way between A and B entities (The principle of excluded middle), in Neutrosophic Logic there is room for numerous possible middle values (or "neutralities").
In this paper, what we mean with Neutrosophic Triadic is dynamics of opposites and neutralities among three entities, A, B, C. And we apply this Neutrosophic Triadic to refer to 3 possible ways to prove the existence of God: Nature's order, Pascal's void and Arrow of Time.
To write shortly, Nature's order, Time and inner void can be filled by direct experience with God. This is what we suggest: the proof is in the pudding.

Version 1.0: 5 june 2019, pk. 19:03
Version 1.1: 5 june 2019, pk. 19:26
Version 1.2: 6 june 2019, pk. 13:18

(1) ) see many papers and books on Neutrosophic Logic at, for instance: Florentin Smarandache, A unified field in logic.6th edition. InfoLearnQuest, 2007. Url:
(2) Robert N. Boyd. Penetrating insight, soft vision, and merging vision. Url:
(3) Adam Drozdek. Florensky's proof of the existence of God. Studia Philosophiae Christianae 45(2009) 2
(4) Peter S. Williams. From beauty to the existence of God. Autumn 2008.
(5) Christoph Benzmuller & Bruno Wotzenlogel Paleo. The inconsistency of Godel's ontological proof. Proc. 25th IJCAI-16.
(6) Antony Flew. There is a God: how the world's notorious atheist changed his mind. Url:
(7) Laura Mersini-Houghton & Rudy Vaas. The arrows of Time: a debate of Cosmology. Url:


Victor Christianto
*Founder and Technical Director,
E-learning and consulting services in renewable energy
**Founder of Second Coming Institute,
Twitter: @Christianto2013, Line: @ThirdElijah, IG: @ThirdElijah
