Facebook's "Hack" language

Facebook's "Hack" language 

Dear readers,*

It is known that Facebook internal team have developed their own language called "Hack", based partly on PHP.(1)

Perhaps O'Sullivan and his team have developed additional security features with Hack language.
May be that is not their main source of problem, although several reports show their vulnerabilities.(2)(3)

The real problem can be in somewhere else, perhaps somewhere in their data structure, which could possibly be connected with PRISM via certain backdoor.(4)

(PRISM's general scheme is already known since 2013/2014, then it became known as "upstream" and "downstream" methods.)

Other note
The fact that Facebook already sold datausers to Cambridge Data Analytics may indicate that it is not accidental. May be that is their real business model.

As with their new brand called Metaverse, we can expect that what Frances Haugen warns can be true: the Metaverse is a subtle way to alter communication theme from vulnerability issues to those fancy things for newbies like VR etc.(5)

Not a conclusion
Perhaps it is quite the right time that the Matrix movie series are being continued.
Which one you would choose: "blue pill or red pill?"

Version 1.0: 10 November 2021, pk. 23:58

"Note: this article has been written not in technical language, as far as possible.

(4) There is an article that such a backdoor script does exist. Url: https://devco.re/blog/2016/04/21/how-I-hacked-facebook-and-found-someones-backdoor-script-eng-ver/
