Do you remember the moment the Risen Jesus touch you?
Do you remember the moment the Risen Jesus touch you?
An article for Easter, tomorrow morning, 17/04/2022
Painting: Noli Me Tangere
Painted by Jacob van Oostsanen (1470-1533),
Painted in 1507,
Oil on Panel
The women who accompanied Jesus according to Gospel of Luke:
Luke 8:1-3
Jesus made his way through towns and villages preaching, and proclaiming the Good News of the kingdom of God. With him went the Twelve, as well as certain women who had been cured of evil spirits and ailments: Mary surnamed the Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, Joanna the wife of Herod's steward Chuza, Susanna, and several others who provided for them out of their own resources.
Reflection on the Painting
Our Gospel reading today follows on from the one we heard yesterday. Jesus had just finished attending a feast at Simon the Pharisee's house and now goes on His way, preaching through the towns and villages. Luke provides us with some details of those who travelled with Him: the Twelve, Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna, and many others. The fact that Jesus included women among his traveling companions is significant, as rabbis at the time refused to teach women. Pharisees and scribes were men as well. So Jesus traveling with women and instructing them was quite revolutionary at the time among the Jewish people. In today's reading, Luke affirms the role of women in the first century.
Our painting from 1507 by Jason Van Oostsanen depicts the moment Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene, one of the three women mentioned in today's Gospel. The Risen Christ depicted as the gardener (holding a spade), is seen gently touching Mary at the moment he would have said the words not to touch Him (noli me tangere), as he hasn't yet ascended to His Father (John 20:17). Actually the second part of this verse is inscribed in Latin in the bottom part of Jesus' garment: nondum enim ascendi ad patrem. Mary Magdalen is flanked by an alberello (jar) containing ointment, her attribute. In the background we see the women discovering the empty tomb, and on the right a small scene where Jesus meets the three Marys and another small scene where Jesus walks on the road to Emmaus.
Luke is the only is evangelist to give us this detail of the women who travelled with Jesus. Above all, he gives us a beautiful insight into the very early Church, a church which is constantly on the move, going from village to village to preach… sharing whatever resources they had to fulfil their mission.
Transliterasi ke bahasa Indonesia:
Refleksi pada Lukisan
Bacaan Injil kita hari ini mengikuti dari yang kita dengar kemarin. Yesus baru saja selesai menghadiri pesta di rumah Simon orang Farisi dan sekarang melanjutkan perjalanan-Nya, berkhotbah melalui kota-kota dan desa-desa. Lukas memberi kita beberapa perincian tentang mereka yang melakukan perjalanan bersama-Nya: Dua Belas, Maria Magdalena, Joanna, Susanna, dan banyak lainnya. Fakta bahwa Yesus menyertakan wanita di antara teman seperjalanannya adalah penting, karena para rabi pada saat itu menolak untuk mengajar wanita. Orang Farisi dan ahli Taurat juga laki-laki. Jadi Yesus bepergian dengan wanita dan mengajar mereka cukup revolusioner pada saat itu di antara orang-orang Yahudi. Dalam bacaan hari ini, Lukas menegaskan peran perempuan di abad pertama.
Lukisan dari tahun 1507 oleh Jason Van Oostsanen menggambarkan saat Yesus menampakkan diri kepada Maria Magdalena, salah satu dari tiga wanita yang disebutkan dalam Injil hari ini. Kristus yang Bangkit digambarkan sebagai tukang kebun (memegang sekop), terlihat lembut menyentuh Maria pada saat dia akan mengucapkan kata-kata untuk tidak menyentuh-Nya (noli me tangere), karena dia belum naik kepada Bapa-Nya (Yohanes 20 :17). Sebenarnya bagian kedua dari ayat ini tertulis dalam bahasa Latin di bagian bawah pakaian Yesus: nondum enim ascendi ad patrem. Maria Magdalen diapit oleh alberello (botol) berisi salep, atributnya. Di latar belakang kita melihat para wanita menemukan kubur yang kosong, dan di sebelah kanan sebuah pemandangan kecil di mana Yesus bertemu dengan tiga Maria dan pemandangan kecil lainnya di mana Yesus berjalan di jalan menuju Emaus.
Lukas adalah satu-satunya penginjil yang memberi kita detail tentang wanita yang bepergian dengan Yesus. Di atas segalanya, dia memberi kita wawasan yang indah tentang Gereja yang sangat awal, sebuah gereja yang terus bergerak, pergi dari desa ke desa untuk berkhotbah… berbagi sumber daya yang mereka miliki untuk memenuhi misi mereka.
Illustration: Painting by Jacob van Oostsanen (1470-1533)
An article for Easter, tomorrow morning, 17/04/2022
Painting: Noli Me Tangere
Painted by Jacob van Oostsanen (1470-1533),
Painted in 1507,
Oil on Panel
The women who accompanied Jesus according to Gospel of Luke:
Luke 8:1-3
Jesus made his way through towns and villages preaching, and proclaiming the Good News of the kingdom of God. With him went the Twelve, as well as certain women who had been cured of evil spirits and ailments: Mary surnamed the Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, Joanna the wife of Herod's steward Chuza, Susanna, and several others who provided for them out of their own resources.
Reflection on the Painting
Our Gospel reading today follows on from the one we heard yesterday. Jesus had just finished attending a feast at Simon the Pharisee's house and now goes on His way, preaching through the towns and villages. Luke provides us with some details of those who travelled with Him: the Twelve, Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna, and many others. The fact that Jesus included women among his traveling companions is significant, as rabbis at the time refused to teach women. Pharisees and scribes were men as well. So Jesus traveling with women and instructing them was quite revolutionary at the time among the Jewish people. In today's reading, Luke affirms the role of women in the first century.
Our painting from 1507 by Jason Van Oostsanen depicts the moment Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene, one of the three women mentioned in today's Gospel. The Risen Christ depicted as the gardener (holding a spade), is seen gently touching Mary at the moment he would have said the words not to touch Him (noli me tangere), as he hasn't yet ascended to His Father (John 20:17). Actually the second part of this verse is inscribed in Latin in the bottom part of Jesus' garment: nondum enim ascendi ad patrem. Mary Magdalen is flanked by an alberello (jar) containing ointment, her attribute. In the background we see the women discovering the empty tomb, and on the right a small scene where Jesus meets the three Marys and another small scene where Jesus walks on the road to Emmaus.
Luke is the only is evangelist to give us this detail of the women who travelled with Jesus. Above all, he gives us a beautiful insight into the very early Church, a church which is constantly on the move, going from village to village to preach… sharing whatever resources they had to fulfil their mission.
Transliterasi ke bahasa Indonesia:
Refleksi pada Lukisan
Bacaan Injil kita hari ini mengikuti dari yang kita dengar kemarin. Yesus baru saja selesai menghadiri pesta di rumah Simon orang Farisi dan sekarang melanjutkan perjalanan-Nya, berkhotbah melalui kota-kota dan desa-desa. Lukas memberi kita beberapa perincian tentang mereka yang melakukan perjalanan bersama-Nya: Dua Belas, Maria Magdalena, Joanna, Susanna, dan banyak lainnya. Fakta bahwa Yesus menyertakan wanita di antara teman seperjalanannya adalah penting, karena para rabi pada saat itu menolak untuk mengajar wanita. Orang Farisi dan ahli Taurat juga laki-laki. Jadi Yesus bepergian dengan wanita dan mengajar mereka cukup revolusioner pada saat itu di antara orang-orang Yahudi. Dalam bacaan hari ini, Lukas menegaskan peran perempuan di abad pertama.
Lukisan dari tahun 1507 oleh Jason Van Oostsanen menggambarkan saat Yesus menampakkan diri kepada Maria Magdalena, salah satu dari tiga wanita yang disebutkan dalam Injil hari ini. Kristus yang Bangkit digambarkan sebagai tukang kebun (memegang sekop), terlihat lembut menyentuh Maria pada saat dia akan mengucapkan kata-kata untuk tidak menyentuh-Nya (noli me tangere), karena dia belum naik kepada Bapa-Nya (Yohanes 20 :17). Sebenarnya bagian kedua dari ayat ini tertulis dalam bahasa Latin di bagian bawah pakaian Yesus: nondum enim ascendi ad patrem. Maria Magdalen diapit oleh alberello (botol) berisi salep, atributnya. Di latar belakang kita melihat para wanita menemukan kubur yang kosong, dan di sebelah kanan sebuah pemandangan kecil di mana Yesus bertemu dengan tiga Maria dan pemandangan kecil lainnya di mana Yesus berjalan di jalan menuju Emaus.
Lukas adalah satu-satunya penginjil yang memberi kita detail tentang wanita yang bepergian dengan Yesus. Di atas segalanya, dia memberi kita wawasan yang indah tentang Gereja yang sangat awal, sebuah gereja yang terus bergerak, pergi dari desa ke desa untuk berkhotbah… berbagi sumber daya yang mereka miliki untuk memenuhi misi mereka.
Illustration: Painting by Jacob van Oostsanen (1470-1533)
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