Han Yoo Ra, Mok Pang, dan CVDIP

Han Yoo Ra, Mok Pang, dan CVDIP

Shalom para sahabat, bro/sis, poro dulur sekalian..

Ijinkan sy berbagi apa yg sy pelajari dari Yoo Ra, seorang YouTuber asal Korsel namun sudah cukup lama menetap  di Indonesia.

Bagi para penggemar drakor pasti kenal non satu ini ya.

Hari ini saya mengikuti presentasi  dari YouTuber muda asal Korea,  Han Yoo Ra dengan timnya  Hello Indonesia.
Presentasinya menarik, santai, kocak tapi berbobot.
Di antaranya saya belajar satu kata, mok pang.  Artinya  menayangkan momen  makan-makan sambil  jalan jalan di Korea (mok dari Bahasa Korea, artinya makan).
Salah satu pesannya  adalah bahwa jika kita mau jadi YouTuber yang melayani Tuhan, perlu mengingat: CVDIP.

Apa itu CVDIP?
C: covenant, perjanjian (suara Tuhan)
V: vision
D: dream (mimpi)
I: image (menggambarkan mimpi)
P: practice (praktek)

Trims Yoo Ra for sharing your experience and ministry.

God love you all.

IG: @big_miss_han
YouTube: Han Yoo Ra

Version 1.0: 16 mei 2019, pk. 20:14

Bacaan  lebih lanjut:

Victor Christianto
Founder of The Second Coming Institute, www.sci4God.com
Promoting Javanese "batik" as an Indonesia cultural heritage, www.mybatique.com
Promoting cultural and music events in Jakarta and other cities, www.acaraindo.com
Founder of www.ketindo.com, A renewable energy consultant 
1 New book: From Hilbert to Dilbert at UNM site, url: http://fs.unm.edu/FromHilbertToDilbert.pdf
My books and papers can be found at:
 You can also check the Neutrosophic Journal: 


We love you all nations, but time is very very limited. Be hurry to repent and receive Jesus Christ. Find a guide to help you repent and receive Jesus Christ, in this link http://www.esnips.com/web/Guidetorepent,
Print this guide, copy as many as you can, and distribute this to as many countries as you can, including Asian countries such as China, Burma, Thailand, Campuchea, Laos, Srilanka, and Vietnam. Pray and ask to God first before you select a language for your country. That is the message: be hurry be very very very very very hurry to repent and receive Jesus Christ, all corners of the world.
Don't you know that Jesus Christ will come again soon? That is why you should be hurry and quickly to repent and do your repentance. Tweet this message quickly and distribute this message to as many countries as you can including to all your friends quickly, quickly, quickly today. Follow Jesus only at http://www.twitter.com/Christianto2013.
Send this message quickly to all your colleagues and to all your friends. Thank you, Jesus Christ already help you. 

blog: http://guidetorepent.blogspot.com, http://findtheTruthnow.blogspot.com,
guide: http://GoodNews.getfreehosting.co.uk/digfile/cms/index.php (login with 'visitor')
video: http://youtube.com/guidetorepent,
facebook: http://www.facebook.com/VChristianto,
and follow Jesus only at www.twitter.com/Christianto2013

authorpage: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00AZEDP4E
Articles dictated by Jesus Christ. Book Two. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AYR3F9C
Articles dictated by Jesus Christ. Book One. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AYR6TJU
by Jesus Christ: How social darwinism ruin America and the World. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AZDJJQI
by Jesus Christ: Evangelism for Difficult People. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AZDJCLA
by Jesus Christ: How you can do Evangelism with Social Media. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AZDXZLI
by Jesus Christ: The Nicene Creed. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AZDYMJ2
by Jesus Christ: Logos, Memra, and other letter for Economists. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AZDY7JW
by Jesus Christ: our Father in Heaven prayer. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AZKZUNM
Some problems of Nuclear Energy development in Asia: A literature survey. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00B4LW5ZW

Some papers at www.vixra.org:
