Dear Prof. Dr. Brian D. Josephson,
This is a follow up to what I have been complaining about the waytheoretical physicists use mathematics. BTW, to be very honest, I have noquarrel with engineers and applied physicists most of whom agree with mycomplaint and they go even further saying that theoretical physics is areligion. When I told them about the contribution of scholastic philosophyto the development of mathematical logic and information science, theyunderstood.So, where does theoretical physics or mathematical physics stands? This isa serious question.As I discussed with Dr. Belher, I have a serious problem with the wayphysicists use mathematics. For them, mathematics is a "language", abunch of formulas to be picked up and used in whatever convenient waypossible. In mathematics, mathematical formulas are developed in theoriesand they are not independent. Each mathematical formulas have its owncontext and ignoring the context quickly leads to inconsistency.Going back to the mathematical physics v.s. mathematics. For puremathematicians differential equations and their solutions are differentthings. One differential equation can have infinitely many solutions asyou know well. So, for mathematicians who understand logic well, it isastounding that physicists expect that one differential equations captureall properties of its solutions. Differential equation is nothing but agood abstraction of a bunch of functions which satisfy the equation. Forphysicists this is all waste of time. For then mathematics is just to getsolutions and plugin numbers to get the number correct. This for us istotally foreign.I presented a tragic consequence of this get number correct mathematicswhich ruled the late 19th and early 20th century physics. It was Lorentzwho made a fatal error in this context. He was shocked by that when weapply Galilean transformation to a wave equation, it is not a waveequation anymore. He was quite satisfied by his discovery that his LorentzTransformation preserves wave functions. This was picked up by Einsteinand the theory of Lorentz transformation as the theory of constant speedmoving reference frames was developed as STR.What both Lorentz and Einstein failed to understand is that when wetransform using Galilean Transformation, a wave function, it produces awave function. So, what more do we want? What is the fuss on the GT allabout? After all GT is not a linear transformation as it involves dynamictranslation.Similar kind of the lack of understanding of mathematics physicist useappeared in yet another issue which I discussed with Dr. Belher. Thisappeared in QM.As Schrodinger's wave equation failed to be relativistic despite heroiceffort by Schrodinger to make it work, Gordon-Klien made a canning way outof the problem which unfortunately showed nothing but the ignorance andlack of integrity of the thinking of mathematical physicists. To beingwith what do you expect from Schrodinger's wave equation which came fromthe inconsistent theory of combining classical dynamics of Hamilton andrelativistic theory of de Droglie relation. Moreover, Gordon-Kelin tookthe energy-momentum relation of Einstein as the essence of STR and they"quantized it by replacing energy and momentum variable with quantumenergy operator and momentum operator. Only a theoretical physicist woulddo things like this. No wonder there are way too many "quantizations" inQM and they contradicts each other as I pointed out.To begin with the infamous energy-momentum relation of Einstein is false.It came from the ill fated e=mc^2 relation. The standard derivationassumes that the speed of inertial reference frames could be inacceleration, which is in abosolute contradiction with the definition ofinertial frames. When we respect the definition of inertial frames, wecome up with e=0 as I told you. Here it goes. Einstein defined therelativistic mass to be m0/sqrt(1-(v/c)^2) where m0 is the rest mass and vis the relative speed of the inertial reference frame. From this hedefined relativistic momentum asp=mv=m0(v)/sqrt(1-(v/c)^2).The he defined the relativistic second law as f=dp/dt.This is a secondary school level mistake that he did not notice that as vis constant, f=0. This leads to e=0, instead of e=mc^2 unfortunately. Thisagain is a secondry school level mathematical error. All theoreticalphysicists of the last century "believed" in this for the fear of beingpurged by the corrupted community of name calling, intimidation andblackmailing. Who wants to be called "crank", "crack pot" or "lunaticfringe". Yes I was called "lunatic fringe" by several academicconferences. Somebody in NPA said it is all "Emperor's New Cloth".So, Brian, you said that by glancing at what I wrote here in this list,you guessed what type of researcher I was. Yes you did it correct! I donot put cloth on my mouth. I just keep asking questions and demanding theright answers until I get one. What is wrong with it. In academy, we allage and in the end what is important is what is the truth. Nothing elsematters as you know well. I am a direct person who do not hide behindsomething big.I will continue to ask questions on not only QM but also on entiretheoretical physics. After all QM was a final product of this totallycorrupted discipline of theoretical physics in which what matters is howsuccessfully one agrees with the "geniuses".Akira-------
I've no idea what point you're trying to make. Did you yourself follow the details of the paper by Mott that I cited, which I came across in my travels a long time ago? It sounds a bit as if what you're saying is "I don't understand this paper, therefore it is wrong".
Brian D. Josephson
Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of Cambridge
Director, Mind–Matter Unification Project
Cavendish Laboratory, JJ Thomson Ave, Cambridge CB3 0HE, UK
Tel. +44(0)1223 37260/337254
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