Symptoms of microwave radiation sickness

Here is a partial list of maladies directly caused by microwave radiation (There are hundreds more that are not included in this list.)

[5G irradiation results in billions of trillions of additional microwave maladies.]

To get rid of the symptoms, get rid of the microwaves.

Fatigue 1,567

Muscle or body aches 1,046
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing 1,020
Difficulty concentrating or focusing 924
Inability to exercise or be active 916
Headache 902
Difficulty sleeping 782
Anxiety 746
Memory problems 714
Dizziness 656
Persistent chest pain or pressure 609
Cough 577
Joint pain 566
Heart palpitations 509
Diarrhea 506
Sore throat 496
Night sweats 475
Partial or complete loss of sense of smell 460
Tachycardia 448
Fever or chills 441
Hair loss 423
Blurry vision 418
Congested or runny nose 414
Sadness 413
Neuropathy in feet and hands 401
Reflux or heartburn 385
Changing symptoms 381
Partial or complete loss of sense of taste 375
Phlegm in back of throat 361
Abdominal pain 344
Lower back pain 319
Shortness of breath or exhaustion from bending over 318
Nausea or vomiting 314
Weight gain 300
Clogged ears 267
Dry eyes 264

Calf cramps 258

Tremors or shakiness 257

Sleeping more than normal 254
Upper back pain 253
Floaters or flashes of light in vision 249
Rash 247
Constant thirst 246
Nerve sensations 243
Tinnitus or humming in ears 233
Changed sense of taste 221
Sharp or sudden chest pain 210
Confusion 205
Muscle twitching 204
Feeling irritable 197
Weight loss 195
Post nasal drip 191
Dry throat 190
High blood pressure 181
Dry or peeling skin 179
Swollen hands or feet 167
Heat intolerance 165
Mouth sores or sore tongue 162
Neck muscle pain 155
Chills but no fever 154
"Hot" blood rush 152
Phantom smells 152
Bone aches in extremities 139
Feeling of burning skin 135
Extreme pressure at base of head or occipital nerve 128
Swollen lymph nodes 125
Brain pressure 119
Kidney pain 115
Spikes in blood pressure 104
Costochondritis 98
Hand or wrist pain 96
Bulging veins 95
Abnormally low temperature 91
Mid-back pain at base of ribs 84
Burning sensations 83
Jaw pain 80
Painful scalp 80
Arrhythmia 78
Low blood oxygen 77

Cold burning feeling in lungs 74
Cracked or dry lips 73
Goiter or lump in throat 70
Foot pain 69
Eye stye or infection 63
Thinning weak fragile finger nails 59
Low blood pressure 58
Dry scalp or dandruff (fungus) 52
Kidney issues or protein in urine 47
UTI 45
Hormone imbalances 44
Thrush 42
Gerd with excessive salivation 41
Personality change (drastic) 41
EBV, or Trigeminal neuralgia 38
Anemia 37
Elevated thyroid 33
Bilateral neck throbbing around lymph nodes 32
Syncope 31
