Lalu ia berkata kepadaku: "Mereka ini adalah orang-orang yang keluar dari kesusahan yang besar; dan mereka telah mencuci jubah mereka dan membuatnya putih di dalam darah Anak Domba." Wahyu 7:14
Shalom, selamat pagi saudaraku. Kali ini izinkan saya menulis sedikit tentang prospek dunia ke depan pasca pilpres di AS minggu depan. Dengan jajak pendapat terakhir yang menunjukkan bahwa Hillary unggul 4-6% di atas Trump, maka tampaknya tidak ada hal yang akan menghalanginya menjadi presiden. Memang Trump masih punya sedikit peluang, namun di atas kertas peluangnya adalah "highly unlikely."
Mesti diakui, Hillary memiliki banyak keunggulan seperti lebih matang dan berpengalaman sebagai Menlu. Namun juga ada faktor lain yang membuat angin berpihak kepadanya, 3 di antaranya adalah:
a. Dukungan barack yang terang-terangan,
b. dukungan media massa AS, bahkan New York Times dan Foreign Affairs magazine tampaknya mendukung resmi Hillary sebagai capres,
c. Dukungan opini luar negeri terhadap Hillary.
Dukungan media massa itu merupakan kelanjutan dari hubungan baik yang telah dibina oleh Bill sejak ia masih menjabat presiden.(13)
Jadi sepertinya, Trump menghadapi arus kritik dan kecaman dari berbagai penjuru. Baru akhir-akhir ini ada angin yang mendorong di perahunya, yaitu dari Washington Post dan FBI. Namun, FBI tidak akan merilis hasil penyelidikan atas email Hillary, sehingga kecil kemungkinan bahwa angin buritan tersebut akan menguntungkan Trump.(8)(14)(16)
Tulisan ini tidak bermaksud mempengaruhi hasil pilpres, namun hanya akan menampilkan apa yang bisa diharapkan dari kepemimpinan Hillary.
Menurut suatu artikel, Obama dan Hillary adalah globalist. Apa maksudnya globalist?
"Obama and Hillary are both globalists that dream of a hemispheric common market, with open borders and open trade. In order to accomplish their goal of doing so, they needed a major player to do the dirty work for them. That is why they allowed ISIS to form, metastasize, grow, and take control of the Middle East."
Jelas dari kutipan di atas, bahwa baik Hillary maupun barack memimpikan dunia dengan pasar bebas, perbatasan bebas, perdagangan bebas dan seterusnya. Tampaknya inilah yang memang sedang gencar dipromosikan oleh banyak ekonom sebagai resep untuk kemajuan dan perdamaian dunia. Seolah dengan terjadinya semua keterbukaan tersebut, maka dunia akan bebas masalah.(5)
Tidak hanya itu, rencana besar Hillary dan barack ini didukung oleh dana besar dari "sapi suci" partai Demokrat, yaitu George Soros, sehingga partai ini kerap memperoleh julukan Shadow Party.(6)(7)(9)(10)
Dan justru inilah yang ditolak oleh Trump, yang menjanjikan bahwa ia akan meninjau kembali rencana perjanjian perdagangan bebas antara US dan EU. Ia malah menjanjikan akan mengembalikan bisnis, industri dan lapangan pekerjaan kepada negerinya.
Saya memang tidak memantau atau membandingkan semua janji kampanye Hillary atau Trump, namun satu hal yang saya ingat adalah kutipan tulisan ekonom McKinnon: "liberalization is often a precursor of crises." Atau terjemahan bebasnya adalah: liberalisasi seringkali merupakan awal dari malapetaka/krisis.
ISIS dan Obama
Menurut berbagai laporan, termasuk dari Garikai Chengu,* ISIS seperti Al Qaeda adalah bikinan Amerika. Demikian komentar Garikai mengenai tujuan dibuatnya ISIS:
"America is using ISIS in three ways: to attack its enemies in the Middle East, to serve as a pretext for U.S. military intervention abroad, and at home to foment a manufactured domestic threat, used to justify the unprecedented expansion of invasive domestic surveillance. By rapidly increasing both government secrecy and surveillance, Mr. Obama's government is increasing its power to watch its citizens, while diminishing its citizens' power to watch their government. Terrorism is an excuse to justify mass surveillance, in preparation for mass revolt."(4)
Meskipun Hillary menolak tuduhan keterlibatannya terhadap ISIS, namun dalam salah satu pidatonya Ia menegaskan niatnya untuk memotori transisi rezim dari Assad (kata lain untuk menggulingkan):
"And we have to pursue a transition away from Assad and an intensified fight against ISIS simultaneously. We're not going to get Syrian opposition forces to fight ISIS in earnest without the credible prospect of a transition, and that's going to take more pressure and leverage."(1)
Artikel-artikel lain tampaknya juga mendukung dugaan kuat bahwa Hillary setidaknya tahu atau menyetujui penjualan senjata kepada ISIS, meskipun mungkin melalui tangan pihak ketiga seperti Qatar atau Libya.(2)(3)(17)
Unholy alliance
Menurut David Horowitz yang dulunya berhaluan kiri namun kemudian bertobat, dalam Shadow Party tersebut muncul benih aliansi tidak suci antara radikal jihadis dan sayap kiri AS. Dan sekali lagi, Shadow Party ini disponsori oleh Soros yang juga membawa misi globalis, yaitu mewujudkan "open society," dengan menghalalkan segala cara. Dengan kata lain, Soros adalah tokoh kiri yang bermutasi menjadi "currency trader." Dalam rekam jejaknya, Soros ini diduga kuat terlibat dalam kejatuhan Bank of England, serta mungkin juga dalam periode awal krisis 1997-1998 di Indonesia.
Apa yang dapat diharapkan?
Dari berbagai forum, tampaknya Hillary cenderung akan bersikap lebih tegas dibandingkan pendahulunya barack obama. Mungkin ini akan menyebabkan eskalasi keterlibatannya dalam menggulingkan Assad dan mendukung ISIS. Jika ini terjadi, maka kemungkinan ISIS juga akan meningkatkan pengaruh dan aksinya tidak hanya di TimTeng namun juga di Eropa dan Asia Tenggara, termasuk Indonesia.
Sementara itu, di negerinya, bolah jadi aktivitas "surveillance" akan terus ditingkatkan sambil meningkatkan potensi khaos di berbagai negara bagian, dengan tujuan masyarakat AS akan semakin dicekam ketakutan dan mudah dikontrol.
Singkatnya, rezim Hillary sangat boleh jadi akan menjadi rezim totalitarian berkedok demokrasi, mungkin mirip dengan pesan novel 1984 dari George Orwell.(12)
Mungkin artikel ini terkesan kurang realistis, namun satu hal yang menarik adalah hillary menggunakan email : hrod17. Jika empat huruf pertama dieja, akan menjadi "h-rod," lalu jika ini dibaca dalam logat Indonesia, maka akan berbunyi: "herod" alias herodes.
Bapak Presiden Joko Widodo, BNPT, Menkopolhukam dan lain-lain sebaiknya juga mengkaji dan mengambil langkah-langkah antisipatif jika hillary naik ke tampuk pemerintahan, karena kemungkinan ia akan berusaha merecoki politik dalam negeri Indonesia.
Jika semua tulisan ini benar, maka dunia agaknya sedang memasuki apa yang disebut dengan "the Great Tribulation" (masa kesukaran besar). (18)
Bagi umat percaya, mari kita berdoa agar iman kita tidak sampai goncang karena kesukaran yang akan datang.
Versi 1.0: 5 november 2016, pk. 10:41
*Note: Garikai Chengu is a research scholar at Harvard University. Contact him on
(4) Garikai Chengu. America created Al-Qaeda and ISIS terror groups. Global Research, url:
(5) Charles Calomiris. A globalist manifesto for public policy. The Institute of Economic Affairs, 2002
(12) George Orwell. 1984.
(13) James A. Mueller. Tag teaming the press: how bill and hillary clinton work together to handle the media. Maryland: Rowland & Littlefield Publisher Inc., 2008.
(15) Fawaz A. Gerges. The Far Enemy. Second edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005, 2009.
UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05794390 Date: 11/30/2015 RELEASE IN PART B6
From: H <>
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 3:30 PM
To: 'Russorv@state.go'
Subject Fw: Bloomberg story on you -- and I'm actually pushing traditional geopolitics for a change
Pls print.
From: Anne-Marie Slaughter [mailto Sent: Friday, April 13, 2012 12:08 PM
To: H
Cc: Abedin, Huma <>; Jacob J Sullivan (SullivanJ3@st) <>; Cheryl Mills <
Subject: Bloomberg story on you -- and I'm actually pushing traditional geopolitics for a change C h i:s F r o m rantoK1 h Ki rea S otii Thr ate By Indira A.R. Lakshmanan and John Walcott - Apr 12, 2012 8:30 PM ETFri Apr 13 00:30:00 GMT 2012 For a decade, the world's attention has been drawn to what U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clintoncalls "new actors" on the international stage. This week, world leaders have been preoccupied by a problem as old as geopolitics: bad actors. The U.S. and its allies failed to dissuade North Korea from testing a long-range rocket, and are struggling to keep Iran from developing a nuclear weapon and Syria from killing its own people to quell dissent. The U.S. and its allies failed to dissuade North Korea from testing a long-range rocket. Clinton's former policy planning chief Anne-Marie Slaughter said, "For all the emphasis on the new world, no one should forget it's on top of, not instead of, old problems." Clinton's former policy planning chief Ann-Marie Slaughter said, "For all the emphasis on the new world, no one should forget it's on top of, not instead of, old problems." Photographer: Alex Wong/Getty Images "The old world and the new world coexist," said Anne- Marie Slaughter, Clinton's former policy planning chief. "For all the emphasis on the new world, no one should forget it's on top of, not instead of, old problems." UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05794390 Date: 11/30/2015 In daily meetings at the State Department, Slaughter said she spent half the time on immediate crises and half on emerging transnational threats to global stability, such as food securityand climate change. Many of the crises are throwbacks to"Kissinger's world," she said, referring to President Richard Nixon's secretary of state Henry Kissinger. • The latest flurry of diplomacy and pressure to rein in Iran, North Korea and Syria -- countries that have repeatedly challenged global norms over the last three decades -- also underscores that there are limited alternatives to address the age-old problem of rogue nations. "It's really hard to address these issues decisively when you've only got diplomatic and economic tools, particularly when the nuclear card is in play," Slaughter, a professor atPrinceton University, said in an interview. "You're applying a lot of pressure to an entity that, in the end, is able to hunker down and say 'no.' If you're not going to address it militarily, what else can you do?" Policeman of the World Slaughter and other supporters of the administration's foreign policy give President Barack Obama credit for building multilateral coalitions to pressure Iran, North Korea and Syria through negotiations and sanctions, rather than taking unilateral military action. "The U.S. is no longer accepted as the policeman of the world and to try to be one is counterproductive," said Zbigniew Brzezinski, who served as national security adviser to Presidentlimmy Carter. Multinational pressure on rogue states is essential, he said, even if getting to a solution that way may be gradual, painful and slow. "Without large-scale international consensus, efforts by the United States are going to make things worse," Brzezinski said in an interview. "Before plunging headfirst into Syria or giving a green light to Israel to attack Iran, we have to think through what are the likely consequences of dealing with problems of past in a manner reminiscent of the past." 'Geometry' of Power Speaking this week at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis,Maryland, Clinton said that "while the geometry of global power may have changed, American leadership is as essential as ever." Clinton consistently has advocated multilateral diplomacy as the solution to both old and new problems. The U.S. "must reflect the world as it is, not as it used to be. It does not make sense to adapt a 19th century concert of powers or a 20th century balance of power strategy. We cannot go back to Cold War UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05794390 Date: 11/30/2015 containment or to unilateralism," she said in a July 2009 speech at the Council on Foreign Relations inWashington. In the same speech, she stressed the need to "multi-task"to address traditional and 21st century threats. "We have to deal with the urgent, the important, and the long-term all at once," Clinton said. 'Witches Brew' After the end of the Cold War, some foreign policy pundits popularized the idea that new transnational threats -- extremist ideologies and terrorism, battles over natural resources, climate change, food security, pandemics -- had supplanted traditional geopolitical conflicts. "The way we talked about these problems in the `gos was that a witches' brew of civil war, state weakness, genocide, disease, refugees and spillover effects would metastasize into some kind of contagion that could really affect global stability," recalled Michael O'Hanlon, a scholar at theBrookings Institution in Washington and co-author of "Bending History: Barack Obama's Foreign Policy." This week's trio of crises are a "stark reminder that some traditional threats remain," O'Hanlon said. "We're still half in Machiavelli's world, but half in the world" of dangerous hackers, terrorists and melting icecaps. Obama deserves credit for "dealing with the inbox as it arrived," O'Hanlon said. "He prioritized and handled the classic threats, as well as the 21st century threats he couldn't ignore: namely terrorism." . Emerging Threats Walter Russell Mead, a professor at Bard College in upstateNew York, said some so-called emerging threats, such as the imminent threat of a war over water, may have been"overblown." Meanwhile, trying to rein in Iran's suspected ambitions to acquire nuclear weapons capability and dissuade North Korea from missile and nuclear development is a challenge that "presidents going back to George H.W. Bush have been trying to address without a lot of success." There are "transnational forces out there, but states remain very important," said Eliot Cohen, who was chief foreign policy adviser to Condoleezza Rice when she was President George W. Bush's secretary of state. "We're not as far from the world of Clausewitz as some pundits would like to think," he said in an interview, referring to the 19th century German military theorist Carl von Clausewitz. While some academics and columnists promoted the notion that traditional interstate rivalries were obsolete, policy makers always understood that "these problems are still very much with us," said Cohen, now a professor at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in Washington. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05794390 Date: 11/30/2015 Many Problems at Once "The challenge for American foreign policy is you have many different problems at once -- al Qaeda, the radical Islamist threat, the generic problem of ungoverned states," as well as problem nations such as North Korea and Iran, and big powers such as China and Russia "that aren't necessarily well disposed to the U.S.," he said. Brian Katilis, a fellow at the Center for American Progress in Washington, said the last decade also demonstrated the flaws in some strategies promoted to address emerging crises. "From 2007 'till2011, we had a fixation with counterinsurgency strategy, when it was quite clear it delivered mixed results in Iraq and Afghanistan," he said. "It was very costly for U.S. taxpayers and has not produced sustainable results." Slaughter noted that new threats, such as nuclear proliferation, and old threats, such as rogue states, intersect in ways that make them very difficult to address. North Korea has Sold nuclear technology and been involved in transnational criminal networks, while Iran has supported terrorism and proliferated weapons. With Iran, North Korea and Syria this week, the attention is on "traditional chessboard geopolitics: they move, we move, and what do we have that can try to force them to change their behavior," she said. "Kissinger's world is still there." Anne-Marie Slaughter Bert G. Kerstetter '66 University Professor of Politics and International Affairs Princeton University 440 Robertson Hall Princeton, NJ 08544 Assistant: Terry Murphy Website: www.princeton.eduk-slaughtr
Victor Christianto
*Founder and Technical Director,
E-learning and consulting services in renewable energy
**Founder of Second Coming Institute,
Twitter: @Christianto2013
Phone: (62) 812-30663059
***Papers and books can be found at:
Lalu ia berkata kepadaku: "Mereka ini adalah orang-orang yang keluar dari kesusahan yang besar; dan mereka telah mencuci jubah mereka dan membuatnya putih di dalam darah Anak Domba." Wahyu 7:14
Shalom, selamat pagi saudaraku. Kali ini izinkan saya menulis sedikit tentang prospek dunia ke depan pasca pilpres di AS minggu depan. Dengan jajak pendapat terakhir yang menunjukkan bahwa Hillary unggul 4-6% di atas Trump, maka tampaknya tidak ada hal yang akan menghalanginya menjadi presiden. Memang Trump masih punya sedikit peluang, namun di atas kertas peluangnya adalah "highly unlikely."
Mesti diakui, Hillary memiliki banyak keunggulan seperti lebih matang dan berpengalaman sebagai Menlu. Namun juga ada faktor lain yang membuat angin berpihak kepadanya, 3 di antaranya adalah:
a. Dukungan barack yang terang-terangan,
b. dukungan media massa AS, bahkan New York Times dan Foreign Affairs magazine tampaknya mendukung resmi Hillary sebagai capres,
c. Dukungan opini luar negeri terhadap Hillary.
Dukungan media massa itu merupakan kelanjutan dari hubungan baik yang telah dibina oleh Bill sejak ia masih menjabat presiden.(13)
Jadi sepertinya, Trump menghadapi arus kritik dan kecaman dari berbagai penjuru. Baru akhir-akhir ini ada angin yang mendorong di perahunya, yaitu dari Washington Post dan FBI. Namun, FBI tidak akan merilis hasil penyelidikan atas email Hillary, sehingga kecil kemungkinan bahwa angin buritan tersebut akan menguntungkan Trump.(8)(14)(16)
Tulisan ini tidak bermaksud mempengaruhi hasil pilpres, namun hanya akan menampilkan apa yang bisa diharapkan dari kepemimpinan Hillary.
Menurut suatu artikel, Obama dan Hillary adalah globalist. Apa maksudnya globalist?
"Obama and Hillary are both globalists that dream of a hemispheric common market, with open borders and open trade. In order to accomplish their goal of doing so, they needed a major player to do the dirty work for them. That is why they allowed ISIS to form, metastasize, grow, and take control of the Middle East."
Jelas dari kutipan di atas, bahwa baik Hillary maupun barack memimpikan dunia dengan pasar bebas, perbatasan bebas, perdagangan bebas dan seterusnya. Tampaknya inilah yang memang sedang gencar dipromosikan oleh banyak ekonom sebagai resep untuk kemajuan dan perdamaian dunia. Seolah dengan terjadinya semua keterbukaan tersebut, maka dunia akan bebas masalah.(5)
Tidak hanya itu, rencana besar Hillary dan barack ini didukung oleh dana besar dari "sapi suci" partai Demokrat, yaitu George Soros, sehingga partai ini kerap memperoleh julukan Shadow Party.(6)(7)(9)(10)
Dan justru inilah yang ditolak oleh Trump, yang menjanjikan bahwa ia akan meninjau kembali rencana perjanjian perdagangan bebas antara US dan EU. Ia malah menjanjikan akan mengembalikan bisnis, industri dan lapangan pekerjaan kepada negerinya.
Saya memang tidak memantau atau membandingkan semua janji kampanye Hillary atau Trump, namun satu hal yang saya ingat adalah kutipan tulisan ekonom McKinnon: "liberalization is often a precursor of crises." Atau terjemahan bebasnya adalah: liberalisasi seringkali merupakan awal dari malapetaka/krisis.
ISIS dan Obama
Menurut berbagai laporan, termasuk dari Garikai Chengu,* ISIS seperti Al Qaeda adalah bikinan Amerika. Demikian komentar Garikai mengenai tujuan dibuatnya ISIS:
"America is using ISIS in three ways: to attack its enemies in the Middle East, to serve as a pretext for U.S. military intervention abroad, and at home to foment a manufactured domestic threat, used to justify the unprecedented expansion of invasive domestic surveillance. By rapidly increasing both government secrecy and surveillance, Mr. Obama's government is increasing its power to watch its citizens, while diminishing its citizens' power to watch their government. Terrorism is an excuse to justify mass surveillance, in preparation for mass revolt."(4)
Meskipun Hillary menolak tuduhan keterlibatannya terhadap ISIS, namun dalam salah satu pidatonya Ia menegaskan niatnya untuk memotori transisi rezim dari Assad (kata lain untuk menggulingkan):
"And we have to pursue a transition away from Assad and an intensified fight against ISIS simultaneously. We're not going to get Syrian opposition forces to fight ISIS in earnest without the credible prospect of a transition, and that's going to take more pressure and leverage."(1)
Artikel-artikel lain tampaknya juga mendukung dugaan kuat bahwa Hillary setidaknya tahu atau menyetujui penjualan senjata kepada ISIS, meskipun mungkin melalui tangan pihak ketiga seperti Qatar atau Libya.(2)(3)(17)
Unholy alliance
Menurut David Horowitz yang dulunya berhaluan kiri namun kemudian bertobat, dalam Shadow Party tersebut muncul benih aliansi tidak suci antara radikal jihadis dan sayap kiri AS. Dan sekali lagi, Shadow Party ini disponsori oleh Soros yang juga membawa misi globalis, yaitu mewujudkan "open society," dengan menghalalkan segala cara. Dengan kata lain, Soros adalah tokoh kiri yang bermutasi menjadi "currency trader." Dalam rekam jejaknya, Soros ini diduga kuat terlibat dalam kejatuhan Bank of England, serta mungkin juga dalam periode awal krisis 1997-1998 di Indonesia.
Apa yang dapat diharapkan?
Dari berbagai forum, tampaknya Hillary cenderung akan bersikap lebih tegas dibandingkan pendahulunya barack obama. Mungkin ini akan menyebabkan eskalasi keterlibatannya dalam menggulingkan Assad dan mendukung ISIS. Jika ini terjadi, maka kemungkinan ISIS juga akan meningkatkan pengaruh dan aksinya tidak hanya di TimTeng namun juga di Eropa dan Asia Tenggara, termasuk Indonesia.
Sementara itu, di negerinya, bolah jadi aktivitas "surveillance" akan terus ditingkatkan sambil meningkatkan potensi khaos di berbagai negara bagian, dengan tujuan masyarakat AS akan semakin dicekam ketakutan dan mudah dikontrol.
Singkatnya, rezim Hillary sangat boleh jadi akan menjadi rezim totalitarian berkedok demokrasi, mungkin mirip dengan pesan novel 1984 dari George Orwell.(12)
Mungkin artikel ini terkesan kurang realistis, namun satu hal yang menarik adalah hillary menggunakan email : hrod17. Jika empat huruf pertama dieja, akan menjadi "h-rod," lalu jika ini dibaca dalam logat Indonesia, maka akan berbunyi: "herod" alias herodes.
Bapak Presiden Joko Widodo, BNPT, Menkopolhukam dan lain-lain sebaiknya juga mengkaji dan mengambil langkah-langkah antisipatif jika hillary naik ke tampuk pemerintahan, karena kemungkinan ia akan berusaha merecoki politik dalam negeri Indonesia.
Jika semua tulisan ini benar, maka dunia agaknya sedang memasuki apa yang disebut dengan "the Great Tribulation" (masa kesukaran besar). (18)
Bagi umat percaya, mari kita berdoa agar iman kita tidak sampai goncang karena kesukaran yang akan datang.
Versi 1.0: 5 november 2016, pk. 10:41
*Note: Garikai Chengu is a research scholar at Harvard University. Contact him on
(4) Garikai Chengu. America created Al-Qaeda and ISIS terror groups. Global Research, url:
(5) Charles Calomiris. A globalist manifesto for public policy. The Institute of Economic Affairs, 2002
(12) George Orwell. 1984.
(13) James A. Mueller. Tag teaming the press: how bill and hillary clinton work together to handle the media. Maryland: Rowland & Littlefield Publisher Inc., 2008.
(15) Fawaz A. Gerges. The Far Enemy. Second edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005, 2009.
UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05794390 Date: 11/30/2015 RELEASE IN PART B6
From: H <>
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 3:30 PM
To: 'Russorv@state.go'
Subject Fw: Bloomberg story on you -- and I'm actually pushing traditional geopolitics for a change
Pls print.
From: Anne-Marie Slaughter [mailto Sent: Friday, April 13, 2012 12:08 PM
To: H
Cc: Abedin, Huma <>; Jacob J Sullivan (SullivanJ3@st) <>; Cheryl Mills <
Subject: Bloomberg story on you -- and I'm actually pushing traditional geopolitics for a change C h i:s F r o m rantoK1 h Ki rea S otii Thr ate By Indira A.R. Lakshmanan and John Walcott - Apr 12, 2012 8:30 PM ETFri Apr 13 00:30:00 GMT 2012 For a decade, the world's attention has been drawn to what U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clintoncalls "new actors" on the international stage. This week, world leaders have been preoccupied by a problem as old as geopolitics: bad actors. The U.S. and its allies failed to dissuade North Korea from testing a long-range rocket, and are struggling to keep Iran from developing a nuclear weapon and Syria from killing its own people to quell dissent. The U.S. and its allies failed to dissuade North Korea from testing a long-range rocket. Clinton's former policy planning chief Anne-Marie Slaughter said, "For all the emphasis on the new world, no one should forget it's on top of, not instead of, old problems." Clinton's former policy planning chief Ann-Marie Slaughter said, "For all the emphasis on the new world, no one should forget it's on top of, not instead of, old problems." Photographer: Alex Wong/Getty Images "The old world and the new world coexist," said Anne- Marie Slaughter, Clinton's former policy planning chief. "For all the emphasis on the new world, no one should forget it's on top of, not instead of, old problems." UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05794390 Date: 11/30/2015 In daily meetings at the State Department, Slaughter said she spent half the time on immediate crises and half on emerging transnational threats to global stability, such as food securityand climate change. Many of the crises are throwbacks to"Kissinger's world," she said, referring to President Richard Nixon's secretary of state Henry Kissinger. • The latest flurry of diplomacy and pressure to rein in Iran, North Korea and Syria -- countries that have repeatedly challenged global norms over the last three decades -- also underscores that there are limited alternatives to address the age-old problem of rogue nations. "It's really hard to address these issues decisively when you've only got diplomatic and economic tools, particularly when the nuclear card is in play," Slaughter, a professor atPrinceton University, said in an interview. "You're applying a lot of pressure to an entity that, in the end, is able to hunker down and say 'no.' If you're not going to address it militarily, what else can you do?" Policeman of the World Slaughter and other supporters of the administration's foreign policy give President Barack Obama credit for building multilateral coalitions to pressure Iran, North Korea and Syria through negotiations and sanctions, rather than taking unilateral military action. "The U.S. is no longer accepted as the policeman of the world and to try to be one is counterproductive," said Zbigniew Brzezinski, who served as national security adviser to Presidentlimmy Carter. Multinational pressure on rogue states is essential, he said, even if getting to a solution that way may be gradual, painful and slow. "Without large-scale international consensus, efforts by the United States are going to make things worse," Brzezinski said in an interview. "Before plunging headfirst into Syria or giving a green light to Israel to attack Iran, we have to think through what are the likely consequences of dealing with problems of past in a manner reminiscent of the past." 'Geometry' of Power Speaking this week at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis,Maryland, Clinton said that "while the geometry of global power may have changed, American leadership is as essential as ever." Clinton consistently has advocated multilateral diplomacy as the solution to both old and new problems. The U.S. "must reflect the world as it is, not as it used to be. It does not make sense to adapt a 19th century concert of powers or a 20th century balance of power strategy. We cannot go back to Cold War UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05794390 Date: 11/30/2015 containment or to unilateralism," she said in a July 2009 speech at the Council on Foreign Relations inWashington. In the same speech, she stressed the need to "multi-task"to address traditional and 21st century threats. "We have to deal with the urgent, the important, and the long-term all at once," Clinton said. 'Witches Brew' After the end of the Cold War, some foreign policy pundits popularized the idea that new transnational threats -- extremist ideologies and terrorism, battles over natural resources, climate change, food security, pandemics -- had supplanted traditional geopolitical conflicts. "The way we talked about these problems in the `gos was that a witches' brew of civil war, state weakness, genocide, disease, refugees and spillover effects would metastasize into some kind of contagion that could really affect global stability," recalled Michael O'Hanlon, a scholar at theBrookings Institution in Washington and co-author of "Bending History: Barack Obama's Foreign Policy." This week's trio of crises are a "stark reminder that some traditional threats remain," O'Hanlon said. "We're still half in Machiavelli's world, but half in the world" of dangerous hackers, terrorists and melting icecaps. Obama deserves credit for "dealing with the inbox as it arrived," O'Hanlon said. "He prioritized and handled the classic threats, as well as the 21st century threats he couldn't ignore: namely terrorism." . Emerging Threats Walter Russell Mead, a professor at Bard College in upstateNew York, said some so-called emerging threats, such as the imminent threat of a war over water, may have been"overblown." Meanwhile, trying to rein in Iran's suspected ambitions to acquire nuclear weapons capability and dissuade North Korea from missile and nuclear development is a challenge that "presidents going back to George H.W. Bush have been trying to address without a lot of success." There are "transnational forces out there, but states remain very important," said Eliot Cohen, who was chief foreign policy adviser to Condoleezza Rice when she was President George W. Bush's secretary of state. "We're not as far from the world of Clausewitz as some pundits would like to think," he said in an interview, referring to the 19th century German military theorist Carl von Clausewitz. While some academics and columnists promoted the notion that traditional interstate rivalries were obsolete, policy makers always understood that "these problems are still very much with us," said Cohen, now a professor at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in Washington. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05794390 Date: 11/30/2015 Many Problems at Once "The challenge for American foreign policy is you have many different problems at once -- al Qaeda, the radical Islamist threat, the generic problem of ungoverned states," as well as problem nations such as North Korea and Iran, and big powers such as China and Russia "that aren't necessarily well disposed to the U.S.," he said. Brian Katilis, a fellow at the Center for American Progress in Washington, said the last decade also demonstrated the flaws in some strategies promoted to address emerging crises. "From 2007 'till2011, we had a fixation with counterinsurgency strategy, when it was quite clear it delivered mixed results in Iraq and Afghanistan," he said. "It was very costly for U.S. taxpayers and has not produced sustainable results." Slaughter noted that new threats, such as nuclear proliferation, and old threats, such as rogue states, intersect in ways that make them very difficult to address. North Korea has Sold nuclear technology and been involved in transnational criminal networks, while Iran has supported terrorism and proliferated weapons. With Iran, North Korea and Syria this week, the attention is on "traditional chessboard geopolitics: they move, we move, and what do we have that can try to force them to change their behavior," she said. "Kissinger's world is still there." Anne-Marie Slaughter Bert G. Kerstetter '66 University Professor of Politics and International Affairs Princeton University 440 Robertson Hall Princeton, NJ 08544 Assistant: Terry Murphy Website: www.princeton.eduk-slaughtr
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